Friday, June 11, 2010

Dumber than a...

OK, so if you know anything about me at all, you know that I hate to procrastinate! However, some things just take longer than expected. Here is the perfect example...

Over 20 years ago, I got a phone call from my Grandma telling me that they were going to tear down the old family farm that her and my Grandpa had built as their first home. She asked if there was anything from the house that I would like to have before it was demolished. I'm not sure why this even came to mind, but I told her that I wanted the door knob from the front door. I think that I was planning on using it for the front door of our first home. However, I wasn't even thinking about the fact that the door knob didn't have a lock, or that we would have to replace it if we ever sold the house, etc. So, the doorknob sat - for a long time.

On the other end of this story, I have a very artistic Uncle who has a number of antique doorknobs that has mounted on blocks of wood and hung for decorative purposes. So, that thought started to take root as another option.

Fast forward more than 20 years and I finally had my husband mount the door knob onto blocks of wood for me to use. Since the knob has 2 sides, he was able to use both sides and give me 2 "hooks" for different items. Here is a picture of one side of the knob after he mounted it on the wood block.

I had him hang one by my desk in the workroom so that I could hang my favorite tote bag. It has always just been laying on the floor and always seems to get in the way, so I really like having it hung up.

Then, I got to thinking about my necklaces that I really had no place for and figured that this would be another way to use the second part of the knob. You can see the screws that we used to hang this, in the picture, but when you see it in real life, they really do hide quite well. This side of the door knob actually has some paint on it from some point before I ever got it. In any other situation, I would probably want to clean that off, but considering that these are more memories of my Grandparents than anything else, I wanted to leave them exactly how I received them - paint and all.

Maybe the next project won't take 20 years to finish!
Have a great weekend everyone!


Unknown said...

Annie, I have the bull's eyes from the corner of their windows. I think that is what they are called that you could have used for the block. They are just sitting around like your doorknob. Can't think of anything great to use them for.

Great idea about the luggage tags too!

Di-Di said...

That is a great idea!! It's sentimental and useful.

hudsondebb said...

"Better late than never" applies here! Nice use of the door knobs- they will evoke memories every time you look at them.

Anonymous said...

Neat idea! I like your blog.

Annie Davis said...

Thanks for the comments!

Cindy - I didn't realize that you had those blocks!

And yes, I do think of my grandparents everytime I look at these, which is much more than when they were in a drawer in the garage. :)

Unknown said...

I love that you thought to ask for the door knobs. For me, the memory of "entering" my Grandmothers home, the home I was raised in and other places of that I reflect upon so fondly, is very strong and I would think that everytime you look at either of those, you probably recall some wonderful memories.